April 5, 2019 Texas HIV Medication Advisory Committee
1. Call to Order - Philip Keiser, M.D., Chair
1. Call to Order - Philip Keiser, M.D., Chair

3. Approval of previous meeting minutes (January 18, 2019) - Philip Keiser, M.D. and Committee
3. Approval of previous meeting minutes (January 18, 2019) - Philip Keiser, M.D. and Committee

2. Welcome and Introductions - Philip Keiser, M.D., Chair
2. Welcome and Introductions - Philip Keiser, M.D., Chair

4. Commissioners Update/Legislative Update – Imelda Garcia
4. Commissioners Update/Legislative Update – Imelda Garcia

5. Approval of non-MAC Sub-Committee Members - Philip Keiser, M.D., Chair
5. Approval of non-MAC Sub-Committee Members - Philip Keiser, M.D., Chair

6. Sub-Committee Reports (Governance and Data/Formulary)
6. Sub-Committee Reports (Governance and Data/Formulary)

7. Formulary Changes - Committee
7. Formulary Changes - Committee

8. Data Reports – Rachel Sanor, THMP Manager
8. Data Reports – Rachel Sanor, THMP Manager

Items 9 & 10 » - 9. Schedule next meeting/Public Comment - Philip Keiser, M.D., Chair 10. Adjourn - Philip Keiser, M.D., Chair
Items 9 & 10 »

10. Adjourn - Philip Keiser, M.D., Chair
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