August 20, 2021 Sickle Cell Task Force (SCTF) Agenda
1. Welcome, introductions, and logistical announcements
1. Welcome, introductions, and logistical announcements
2. Consideration of June 10, 2021, meeting minutes (vote required)
2. Consideration of June 10, 2021, meeting minutes (vote required)
3. Sickle Cell Data Collection (SCDC)
3. Sickle Cell Data Collection (SCDC)
4. Texas Syndromic Surveillance (TxS2) annual report
4. Texas Syndromic Surveillance (TxS2) annual report
5. Sickle Cell Surveillance Subcommittee reporting
5. Sickle Cell Surveillance Subcommittee reporting
6. Public Awareness Campaigns Subcommittee reporting
6. Public Awareness Campaigns Subcommittee reporting
7. Medicaid Contracts Subcommittee reporting
7. Medicaid Contracts Subcommittee reporting
8. Legislatively mandated report
8. Legislatively mandated report
Items 9 & 11 » - 9. Review of bylaws 11. Future agenda items, next meeting date, and adjournment
Items 9 & 11 »
9. Review of bylaws11. Future agenda items, next meeting date, and adjournment
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