November 12, 2021 Texas HHSC Texas Council on Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke (TCVDS) Agenda
1. Call to order, welcome, introductions, roll call and opening remarks
1. Call to order, welcome, introductions, roll call and opening remarks

2. Introduction of new council member: Lourdes Cuellar
2. Introduction of new council member: Lourdes Cuellar

3. Consideration of August 13, 2021, draft meeting minutes (vote required) (Part 1 of 2)
3. Consideration of August 13, 2021, draft meeting minutes (vote required) (Part 1 of 2)

4a. Department of State Health Services (DSHS)
4a. Department of State Health Services (DSHS)

4b. Health and Human Services Commission
4b. Health and Human Services Commission

4c. Texas Workforce Commission
4c. Texas Workforce Commission

5a. Texas Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke Partnership
5a. Texas Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke Partnership

5b. Office of Acquired Brain Injury
5b. Office of Acquired Brain Injury

5c. Governor’s EMS and Trauma Advisory Council
5c. Governor’s EMS and Trauma Advisory Council

5d. American Stroke Association/American Heart Association
5d. American Stroke Association/American Heart Association

6. Availability of Stroke Care in West Texas: Dr. Sherron Meeks
6. Availability of Stroke Care in West Texas: Dr. Sherron Meeks

3. Consideration of August 13, 2021, draft meeting minutes (vote required) (Part 2 of 2)
3. Consideration of August 13, 2021, draft meeting minutes (vote required) (Part 2 of 2)

7. Program update on the Andar-Hablar-Ojos-Rostro-Ambos Brazos o Piernas (AHORA) Initiative: Marci
7. Program update on the Andar-Hablar-Ojos-Rostro-Ambos Brazos o Piernas (AHORA) Initiative: Marci Wilson

Items 8 & 10 - 8. Discussion of any action concerning items above, and topics for February 25, 2022, meeting
10. Adjourn
Items 8 & 10

10. Adjourn
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