April 23, 2021 - 9:00am



Meeting Location:  Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this meeting will be conducted virtually using Microsoft Teams only.  Join the meeting here. Attendees who would like to provide public comment should see the Public Comment section below.

There is not a physical location for this meeting.

Closed captioning for this meeting is available.  Viewers are asked to highlight the closed captioning symbol "cc" on the bottom of their viewing screen to enable this function. 

  1. Call to order
  2. Approval of minutes from January 22, 2021 (vote required)
  3. Public comment on the drug classes to be reviewed for the Medicaid Preferred Drug List (PDL):
    1. Anti-allergens, oral
    2. Antibiotics, inhaled
    3. Anticoagulants
    4. Antidepressants, other
    5. Antidepressants, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
    6. Antidepressants, tricyclic
    7. Antihyperuricemics
    8. Antivirals, oral
    9. Anxiolytics
    10. Benign prostatic hyperplasia treatments
    11. Beta-blockers
    12. Bile salts
    13. Bronchodilators, beta-agonist
    14. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease agents
    15. Cough and cold
    16. Erythropoiesis stimulating proteins
    17. Glucocorticoids, inhaled
    18. Hemophilia treatment
    19. Hereditary angioedema (HAE) treatments
    20. Hypoglycemics, incretin mimetics/enhancers
    21. Immune globulins, intravenous
    22. Immunomodulators, asthma
    23. Lincosamides/oxazolidinones/streptogramins
    24. Lipotropics, other
    25. Lipotropics, statins
    26. Multiple sclerosis agents
    27. aa. Pancreatic enzymes
    28. bb. Pediatric vitamin preparations
    29. cc. Prenatal vitamins
    30. dd. Pulmonary arterial hypertension agents, oral and inhaled
    31. ee. Sedative hypnotics
    32. ff. Sickle cell anemia treatments
    33. gg. Thrombopoiesis stimulating proteins
    34. hh. Urea cycle disorder, oral
  4. Public comment on new drugs to be reviewed for the Medicaid PDL:
    1. Dificid suspension (oral)/Antibiotics, gastrointestinal  
    2. Nyvepria (subcutaneous)/Colony stimulating factors 
    3. Ibupak kit (oral)/nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)    
    4. Venngel one kit (topical)/NSAIDs
    5. Pataday extra strength over the counter (ophthalmic)/ophthalmics for allergic conjunctivitis
    6. Eysuvis (ophthalmic)/ophthalmics, anti-inflammatory/immunomodulator
    7. Impeklo lotion (topical)/steroids, topical very high
  5. Therapeutic and clinical drug reviews and updates:   Magellan Medicaid Administration
  6. Executive work session

Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 531.071, and in accordance with Texas Administrative Code Title 1, Part 15, Subchapter F, Section 354.1941(c)(2), the DURB may meet in executive session on one or more items listed under new business as permitted by the Texas Open Meetings Act.

  1. Announcements of drugs recommended for the Medicaid PDL: Magellan Medicaid Administration (vote required)
  2. Retrospective drug utilization review (DUR):  Conduent, LLC
    1. Report on recent retrospective DUR interventions:
      1. Anticonvulsants drug use evaluation (DUE)
      2. Comprehensive opioid management
      3. Management of psychotropic drugs in youth
    2. Report on recent retrospective DUR intervention outcomes:
      1. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder medication management
      2. NSAIDs: DUE
    3. Retrospective DUR proposals: (vote required)
      1. Diabetes disease management
      2. Dyslipidemia disease management
      3. Influenza prevention: vaccination and education
  3. Prospective prior authorization proposals (clinical edits):  KEPRO, LLC (vote required)
    1. Anxiolytic and sedative/hypnotics
      1. Criteria revision for sedative-hypnotics – adults
      2. Add Belsomra and Dayvigo
    2. HAE agents
      1. Criteria revision
      2. Add Orladeyo
    3. Hyperlipidemia agents
      1. Formerly protein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 agents
      2. Add Juxtapid
    4. Multiple sclerosis agents - new criteria (safety checks)
  4. Retrospective drug use criteria for outpatient use in Vendor Drug Program:
    The University of Texas at Austin College of Pharmacy (vote required)
    1. Aerosolized agents - metered-dose inhalers (MDIs): anticholinergic drugs
    2. Aerosolized agents - MDIs: anti-inflammatory drugs
    3. Aerosolized agents - MDIs: beta2 agonists (long-acting)
    4. Aerosolized agents - MDIs: beta2 agonists (short-acting)
    5. Antidepressant drugs – other
    6. Antidepressant drugs – SSRIs
  5. Next meeting date:  July 23, 2021
  6. Adjourn

Public Comment: The Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) welcomes public comments pertaining to topics related to DURB and Medicaid PDL. Members of the public who would like to pre-register to provide oral comments at the meeting or to provide written comments may complete a Public Comment form here.

To register to provide oral comments, please mark the correct box on the Public Comment form and submit a completed Public Comment Form, HHS Form 1320. Instructions for providing oral comments will be emailed to you. Registration for oral public comment is due no later than 5:00 p.m., Wednesday, April 21, 2021. Members of the public may also use the Microsoft Teams Live Event Q&A section during the meeting to submit a request to provide oral public comment. The request must contain your name and either the organization you are representing or that you are speaking as a private citizen and your direct phone number. Do not include confidential information or protected health information in comments.

Public comment is limited to three minutes. Each speaker must state their name and either the organization they are representing or that they are speaking as a private citizen. If you register to speak and wish to provide a handout before the meeting, please submit an electronic copy in accessible PDF format. Handouts are limited to two pages (paper size: 8.5” by 11”, one side only). Handouts must be emailed to HHSC immediately after registering and include the name of the person who will be commenting. Do not include confidential information or protected health information in handouts. Staff will not read handouts aloud during the meeting, but handouts will be provided to members of the Advisory Committee and State staff. It is not permissible for public speakers to interject or ask questions to committee members during the rest of the meeting.

A member of the public may provide written public comment by submitting their written public comment with the completed Written Public Comment form, HHS Form 1334, emailed to VDP-Advisory@hhsc.state.tx.us no later than 5:00 p.m., April 12, 2021. Please include your name and either the organization you are representing or that you are speaking as a private citizen. Written comments are limited to ten pages and will be made available to DURB Board members for their consideration prior to the meeting. Staff will not read written comments aloud during the meeting. Comments should not include confidential information or protected health information.

All written comments will be posted on the Board’s website after the meeting.

Note: These procedures may be revised at the discretion of HHSC.

Contact: Questions regarding agenda items, content, or meeting arrangements should be directed to Maribel O. Castoreno, DUR/PDL Oversight Specialist, Health and Human Services Commission, Medicaid and CHIP Services, 512-552-7672, and VDP-Advisory@hhsc.state.tx.us.

This meeting is open to the public.  No reservations are required, and there is no cost to attend this meeting.

Persons who want to attend the meeting and require assistive technology or services should contact Castoreno at 512-552-7672 or VDP-Advisory@hhsc.state.tx.us at least 72 hours before the meeting so appropriate arrangements can be made.