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Health and Human Services Commission


Updates on issues related to Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program

July 26, 2016
1 p.m.

Meeting Site:
Health and Human Services Commission
Brown-Heatly Building
Public Hearing Room
4900 North Lamar Blvd.
Austin, TX 78751

Call-in: 1-877-226-9790
Access Code:  4791775

Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) conducts many stakeholder meetings on a variety of topics. Based on stakeholder feedback, HHSC is going to convene a consolidated meeting to reduce the number of meetings stakeholders need to attend. At this meeting, HHSC representatives will provide program updates on Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP).

  1. Welcome and introductions (PDF)
  2. Executive Commissioner's update on stakeholder input to improve member and provider experience (PDF)
  3. 1115 Transformation Waiver update
  4. Program updates
    1. STAR
    2. CHIP
    3. STAR+PLUS
    4. STAR Health
    5. Medicaid and CHIP Dental Programs
    6. Duals Demonstration
  5. Upcoming contract changes (PDF)
  6. Medicaid initiatives
    1. STAR Kids
    2. Medicaid for Breast and Cervical Cancer (PDF)
    3. Adoption and Permanency Care Assistance
    4. Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Pilot
    5. Senate Bill 760 implementation (PDF)
  7. Provider enrollment
  8. Upcoming procurements (PDF)
  9. Managed care financial update (PDF)
  10. Health plan management update (PDF)
  11. Open discussion
  12. Adjourn

Contact: Questions regarding agenda items, content or future meeting agenda topics should be directed to

This meeting is open to the public. No reservations are required and there is no cost to attend this meeting.

People with disabilities who wish to attend the meeting and require auxiliary aids or services should contact Charles Bredwell, Program Specialist, at 512-462-6337 at least 72 hours before the meeting so appropriate arrangements can be made.