October 8, 2019 Mental Health Condition and Substance Use Disorder Parity Workgroup
1. Welcome and opening remarks
1. Welcome and opening remarks
2. Review and approve August 20, 2019, meeting minutes
2. Review and approve August 20, 2019, meeting minutes
a. Health and Human Services Commission - Medicaid/CHIP
a. Health and Human Services Commission - Medicaid/CHIP
4. Mental Health Condition and Substance Use Disorder Parity Workgroup Statewide Strategic Plan
4. Mental Health Condition and Substance Use Disorder Parity Workgroup Statewide Strategic Plan
5. Subcommittee rosters, reports and subcommittee work sessions » - a. Subcommittee 1: compliance, enforcement, and oversight b. Subcommittee 2: complaints, concerns, and investigations c. Subcommittee 3: education and awareness
5. Subcommittee rosters, reports and subcommittee work sessions »
a. Subcommittee 1: compliance, enforcement, and oversightb. Subcommittee 2: complaints, concerns, and investigations
c. Subcommittee 3: education and awareness
7. Planning for next meeting
7. Planning for next meeting
8. Action items
8. Action items
9. Closing remarks
9. Closing remarks
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