November 9, 2021 Value-Based Payment and Quality Improvement Advisory Committee
1. Welcome and introductions
1. Welcome and introductions

2. Consideration of August 17, 2021, draft meeting minutes
2. Consideration of August 17, 2021, draft meeting minutes

3. Presentation: Community Health Access and Rural Transformation (CHART) Model
3. Presentation: Community Health Access and Rural Transformation (CHART) Model

4. Presentation: Texas HealthCare Learning Collaborative Portal
4. Presentation: Texas HealthCare Learning Collaborative Portal

5. Staff update: Medicaid value-based activities
5. Staff update: Medicaid value-based activities

a. Value-based payment in home health, pharmacy, and other areas
a. Value-based payment in home health, pharmacy, and other areas

b. Social drivers of health
b. Social drivers of health

c. Next steps for Alternate Payment Models and contract language
c. Next steps for Alternate Payment Models and contract language

7. 2021 Planning meeting » - a. Update: Work-plan tracker b. Brainstorming for policy issues c. Timeline and next steps
7. 2021 Planning meeting »

b. Brainstorming for policy issues
c. Timeline and next steps
Items 9 & 10 » - 9. Action items for staff and member follow-up 10. Adjourn
Items 9 & 10 »

10. Adjourn
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