August 17, 2018 - 10:00am

Health and Human Services Commission, Brown-Heatly Building, Public Hearing Room
4900 North Lamar Blvd.
Austin Texas, 78751


Webcasting Available

  1. Welcome and introductions
  2. Review and approval of meeting minutes from June 14, 2018 (PDF)
  3. Palliative Care Program
    1. Information and education website
    2. Palliative care data
    3. Bylaws status
  4. Palliative Care and Hospice Education and Training Act, H.R. 1676, 115th Cong. (2017) (PDF)
  5. Lessons from “Being Mortal" (PDF)
  6. 2018 legislative recommendations and report (PDF)
    1. Workgroup 1: Statutory definition
    2. Workgroup 2: Value and measurement in palliative care
    3. Workgroup 3: Education
  7. Next steps and goals for the 2018 legislative report
  8. Palliative Care Interdisciplinary Advisory Council planning
    1. Palliative care continuing education event
    2. Legislative session
    3. Potential 2019 project ideas 
  9. Action items for staff or member follow-up
  10. Public comment
  11. Adjourn

Public comment may be taken on any agenda item.

Contact: Questions regarding agenda items, content, or meeting arrangements should be directed to Jimmy Blanton, Director, Health Quality Institute, Health and Human Services Commission, 512-380-4372,

People who wish to submit written testimony for public comment may do so either by hard copy or electronically.  The address for hardcopy submission is: Jimmy Blanton, 6330 East Highway 290, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78723.  The address for electronic submission is:

This meeting is open to the public.  No reservations are required, and there is no cost to attend this meeting.

People with disabilities who wish to attend the meeting and require auxiliary aids or services should contact Blanton at 512-380-4372 at least 72 hours before the meeting so appropriate arrangements can be made.