July 26, 2019 - 10:00am

Department of State Health Services
1100 West 49th Street, Robert D. Moreton Building, Board Room M-100
Austin Texas,


Webcasting Available

Please check in with Security - someone will escort you to the Conference Room.

Members of the public may attend the meeting in person at the address above or access a live stream of the meeting at: 
https://hhs.texas.gov/about-hhs/communications-events/live-archived-meetings.  Select the tab for Moreton M-100 Live.

  1. Welcome and introductions - Merida Escobar, Presiding Officer
  2. Approval of minutes (May 17, 2019)* - Stephanie Gutierrez, HHSC, Advisory Committee Coordination Office
  3. Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention Section Update - Brett Spencer, Manager, Community Health and Wellness Branch
  4. CHWs in Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) - Sonia Boyd and Andrea Cruce, DSHS-certified CHW, Superior Health Plan
  5. CHW Advisory Committee Subcommittee Chairs - Merida Escobar, Presiding Officer
  6. Review and recommend to DSHS applications for certification and training institutions:
    -University of Houston Honors College CHW Program - provide continuing education for CHW Instructors*
    -University of North Texas Health Science Center - provide continuing education for CHWs and CHW Instructors* - Merida Escobar, Presiding Officer
  7. Advisory Committee Sub-Committee Updates - Sub-Committee Leads
  8. Program Update:
    Monica Maldonado, DSHS Promotor(a)/CHW Training and Certification Program
    Beatrice Smith, DSHS Promotor(a)/CHW Training and Certification Program
  9. Committee Member Sharing - Merida Escobar, Presiding Officer
  10. Public Comment - Stephanie Gutierrez, HHSC, Advisory Committee Coordination Office
  11. Agenda items for next meeting
    2020 Meeting Dates - Merida Escobar, Presiding Officer
  12. Adjourn - Merida Escobar, Presiding Officer

*Action Item

Program contact: Beatrice Smith, Department of State Health Services, 1100 West 49th Street, Austin Texas 78756 
Phone: 512-776-2208 
Email: Beatrice.Smith@dshs.texas.gov

This meeting is open to the public. No reservations are required, and there is no cost to attend this meeting.

Any person with a disability planning to attend this meeting and requiring any auxiliary aid or service is asked to contact Anne Mosher, Department of State Health Services, 512-776-2780 or Anne.Mosher@dshs.texas.gov, at least 72 hours prior to the meeting to make appropriate arrangements.