February 24, 2020 - 10:00am

Department of State Health Services, Robert D. Moreton Building, M-100
1100 West 49th Street
Austin Texas, 78756


Webcasting Available

This meeting will be webcast. To access the webcast, go to https://hhs.texas.gov/about-hhs/communications-events/live-archived-meetings the day and time of the meeting. Please e-mail Webcasting@hhsc.state.tx.us if you have any problems with the webcasting function.

  1. Welcome/Call to Order/Introductions of members and staff.
  2. Approval of meeting minutes for the September 16, 2019 Texas School Health Advisory Committee (TSHAC) meeting.
  3. Presentation to the TSHAC by Dr. Brian Colwell, from Texas A&M University, regarding youth tobacco use and vaping.
  4. Presentation to the TSHAC by Dorothy Garza, from Texas Health and Human Services, regarding youth mental health.
  5. Revisions to the guidelines for Student Consumption of Regular and Diet Soda in High School.*
  6. Revisions to the guidelines for Recess and Physical Activity: Impact on Student Health and Academic, Social and Emotional Development.*
  7. Revisions to the guidelines for School Bus and Automobile Idling.*
  8. Discussion related to Senate Bill 435, 86th Legislative Session, 2019, which amended Education Code, §28.004(c), relating to recommendations by local school health advisory councils regarding opioid addiction and abuse education in public schools.*
  9. Updates from the Texas Education Agency, Texas Department of Agriculture, and Texas Department of State Health Services.
  10. Scheduling of the next TSHAC meeting and future meeting dates, including the next TSHAC meeting on April 27, 2020.
  11. Future TSHAC agenda topics and priorities.
  12. Public comment.
  13. Adjournment.*

*Denotes action items.

The committee may take any action on any agenda item.


Questions regarding agenda items, content, or meeting arrangements should be directed to Anita Wheeler at (512) 776-2909 or via email at SchoolHealth@dshs.texas.gov.

This meeting is open to the public. No reservations are required, and there is no cost to attend this meeting.

Persons with disabilities who wish to attend the meeting and require auxiliary aids or services should contact Anita Wheeler at (512) 776-2909 or SchoolHealth@dshs.texas.gov at least 72 hours prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements may be made.