July 24, 2020 - 9:00am



Meeting Information:
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this meeting will be conducted online using Microsoft Teams only. Join the meeting here.

There is not a physical location for this meeting.

Attendees who would like to provide public comment should see the Public Comment section below.  Registration required. Register to provide public comment here.  

  1. Call to order
  2. Approval of minutes from May 22, 2020 (vote required)
  3. Chair and Vice-Chair Election (vote required)
  4. Announcement: New Preferred Drug List (PDL) Classes for October Drug Utilization Review (DUR) Board Meeting
  5. Public comment on drug classes to be reviewed for the Medicaid (PDL):
    1. Alzheimer’s agents
    2. Antihistamines, minimally sedating
    3. Antihypertensives, sympatholytics
    4. Antimigraine agents, other
    5. Calcium channel blockers
    6. Cephalosporins and related antibiotics
    7. Cytokine and cell adhesion module antagonists
    8. Fluoroquinolones, oral
    9. Glucocorticoids, oral
    10. Immunosuppressives, oral
    11. Iron, oral
    12. Leukotriene modifiers
    13. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
    14. Ophthalmic antibiotics
    15. Ophthalmic antibiotic-steroid combinations
    16. Ophthalmic for allergic conjunctivitis
    17. Ophthalmic, anti-inflammatories
    18. Ophthalmic, anti-inflammatories/immunomodulator
    19. Ophthalmic, glaucoma agents
    20. Otic antibiotics
    21. Otic anti-infectives and anesthetics
    22. Penicillins
    23. Progestational agents
    24. Rosacea agents, topical
    25. Skeletal muscle relaxants
    26. Steroids, topical
    27. aa. Ulcerative colitis agents

Public comment and therapeutic and clinical drug reviews on new drugs to be reviewed for the Medicaid PDL:

  1. Palforzia Maintenance Sachet (Oral), Palforzia Titration Capsule (Oral) / Anti-allergens, oral
  2. Caplyta (Oral) / Antipsychotics
  3. Trijardy XR (Oral) / Hypoglycemics, incretin mimetics/enhancers
  4. Riomet extended release Suspension (Oral) / Hypoglycemics, metformin
  5. Hizentra Syringe (Subcutaneous) / Immune globulins
  6. Nexletol (Oral) / Lipotropics, other
  1. Therapeutic and clinical drug reviews and updates:   Matt Lennertz, Pharm. D., Magellan Medicaid Administration
  2. Executive work session

    Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 531.071, and in accordance with Texas Administrative Code Title 1, Part 15, Subchapter F, Section 354.1941(c)(2), the DUR Board may meet in executive session on one or more items listed under new business as permitted by the Texas Open Meetings Act.

  3. Announcements of drugs recommended for the Medicaid PDL: Matt Lennertz, Pharm. D., Magellan Medicaid Administration (vote required)
  4. Retrospective DUR:  Mariya Baranova, Pharm. D., MCMP-II, Conduent, LLC
    1. Report on recent retrospective DUR interventions:
      1. Diabetes management
      2. Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder medication management
    2. Report on recent retrospective DUR intervention outcomes:
      1. Anticonvulsants drug use evaluation
      2. Influenza Prevention
      3. Cough and cold medication management in children
    3. Retrospective DUR proposals (vote required)
      1. Appropriate use of antibiotics
      2. Contraceptives drug use evaluation
      3. Gabapentinoids drug use evaluation
  5. Prospective prior authorization proposals (clinical edits): Christina Faulkner, Pharm. D., BCPS, KEPRO, LLC (vote required)
    1. Acthar - revision
    2. Oxervate - new criteria
    3. Palforzia - new criteria
    4. Spravato - new criteria
  6. Retrospective drug use, criteria for outpatient use in Vendor Drug Program: Justin Pedigo, Pharm. D., The University of Texas at Austin College of Pharmacy (vote required)
    1. Immune globulins
    2. Non-sedating antihistamines
    3. Oral fluoroquinolones
    4. Oral/Rectal NSAIDs
    5. Rifaximin (Xifaxan®)
    6. Sickle cell disease products
    7. Skeletal muscle relaxants
  7. Next meeting date: October 23, 2020
  8. Adjourn

Contact:  Questions regarding agenda items, content, or meeting arrangements should be directed to Maribel O. Castoreno, DUR/Formulary Support Specialist, Health and Human Services Commission, Medicaid and CHIP Services Department, at 512-552-7672 or VDP-Advisory@hhsc.state.tx.us.

Public comment/testimony: Information regarding the submission of written comments and the application to provide public testimony before the committee can be found at: https://www.txvendordrug.com/resources/drug-utilization-review-board/documents.

This meeting is open to the public.  Registration is required, as noted above, but there is no cost to attend this meeting.

Persons who want to attend the meeting and require assistive technology or services should contact Castoreno at 512-552-7672 or VDP-Advisory@hhsc.state.tx.us at least 72 hours before the meeting so appropriate arrangements can be made.